At Wilkinson’s we view septic tanks as separation systems. A tank where solids are retained, but the liquor is dispersed into the ground via land drains, or goes on for treatment before discharging into a ditch or stream.
Common Issues
[section class=”fancylist listy”]- Old style brick or concrete septic tanks have an internal pipe on the outlet designed to hold back solids. This can become dislodged allowing solids to enter the land drains which eventually become blocked.
- Old septic tanks can be too small as many were installed before indoor plumbing. Water volumes have increased over time which means more waste passes through the tank than it can separate leading to blocked land drains.
- The ingress of surface water from ill fitting manhole covers, gutters and the ingress of ground water through broken pipes also means more waste passing through the tank than it can separate which can over time lead to blocked land drains.
Septic Tank Installation & Servicing in West Sussex
We can assess existing septic tanks, repair where economic or advise on the way forward.
It may be possible to upgrade a septic tank that is discharging into a ditch or stream with either internal modifications or the installation of a treatment tank immediately after the septic tank. It may also be possible to resurrect land drains by either jetting and or adding a biological product to the waste stream that breaks down organic deposits. If land drains need to be replaced they must be installed according to Building Control regulations.
If you would like to discuss your problem please contact Iain on 01342 810 885 or mobile 07764 212 568.